The 206B3 JetRanger III. The beauty of reliability.

The highest standards aren’t written. They’re proven. It’s been there. It’ll be there. That’s the beauty of the time-tested 206B- 3 JetRanger III. Rugged and reliable. Easy to own and operate. And it comes with the best safety record of any helicopter in the industry. No wonder it’s the most popular turbine helicopter ever built.
206B-3 Highlights
- Lowest operating costs in class
- Best safety record in its class
- Best autorotational characteristics of any helicopter flying today.
- Collective mounted throttle, rupture resistant fuel cells and shoulder harnesses
as standard equipment.
- Ease of operation and a robust cabin structure.
- A better value than any other light turbine helicopter.
It is simply the most reliable, survivable, supportable, mission capable helicopter for the money. And it has great resale value. So go ahead. Scan the horizon. You just can't find a downside.